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  Loyds  Bank  


Loyds Bank, a flower power group from Otley, are shunning the bells, beads and distribution of flowers to their fans-because too many other groups are doing this and they want to be individualists.

And with a siren and projector in their set they certainly are!

The band has been asked to change its name more times than it can remember, but the boys prefer a reputation built on their musical ability – not on a catchy name.

Just happen

Occasionally in their performances things just happen-like the time when one final number lasted 40 minutes with a tremendous climax.
Formed nine months ago, the group has just won its first contest for new Yorkshire beat groups organised by Halifax Y.M.C.A.The boys met through the Weston Estate Youth Club, Otley.
Left to Right:
Norman Hunter, Peter Longstaff, Kevin Slingsby, Ronnie Mitchell,
                                 Ronnie (Beef) Birkett 
“Some people won’t book us because they think our name is not commercial enough. We don’t play Soul music. We’re too busy concentrating on the flower stuff” says 25-year old Geoff Greenwood the manager.

Just now the group is concentrating on the American West Coast material. They predict that the groups from this area, like The Mothers of Invention, will be big names here by Christmas.

The line-up

Stand by for a full group count-down.

Ron Birkett (16), apprentice joiner, Weston Crescent Otley, bass guitar. Stockily built and known as beef.

Norman Hunter (17), welder, Croft Avenue, Otley, vocalist, (he’s always being asked if he’s related to the Leeds United player of the same name-he isn’t), puts his all in his singing and stage act. Likes wild clothes, particularly flower trousers.

Kevin Slingsby (17), leather worker, Main Street Burley-in-Wharfdale, drummer, who’s father is a jazz drummer, is the newest member to the psychedelic numbers. Off-stage he does impersonations.

Peter Longstaffe (18), lead guitarist, Newall Avenue, Otley, pattern maker. Bearded Pete, who likes way-out clothes, sometimes wears an Indian Kaftan on stage.

Ronnie Mitchell (23), rhythm guitar, Croft Terrace, Leeds, provides the integral rhythm sound so necessary in psychedelic numbers
Clary Wilson Sound with Peter Longstaff 3rd from left standing
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