Ricky Seaton and the Avengers
Ricky Seaton and the Avengers

Loyds Bank
Loyds Bank
Moldy Warp

Bands who appeared
at the Kings Hall Ilkley

Bands who appeared
at the Kings Hall Ilkley

Vince Philpotts

Vince Philpotts

Pete and Stan with the Earwig trophy which was won in "Best Yorkshire group contest" organised by Coca Cola, Star Cinema and Philips records at the Albert Cinema Brighouse on 29th April 1964.
They were part of the group The Tarantulas in the final and completed against: The Zondas, Clive and the Crestas, The Talismen, The Phantoms, The Ravons, The Gleneagles and The Astrals.
Their prize was an audition for Philips Records and a tour of Star Cinemas
Vince Philpotts
Vince Philpotts

Vince Philpotts
Vince Philpotts
Clive Steele
The Ladykillers

The Ladykillers

The Raiders

The Vikings
The Senators
Vince Philpotts

Ellisons Hogline with Nelson Fletcher

On stage at Earls Heaton Youth Club
L>R Andy Baldock, Allen Pyrah, Nelson Fletcher, Brian Ellison, Eric Robinson.

London - Piccadilly Circus L>R Lying down- Nelson Fletcher, Allen Pyrah, Steve Isherwood, Paul Wood, Brian Ellison, Eric Robinson.

London - Trafalgar Square L>R Eric Robinson, Steve Isherwood, Allen Pyrah, Nelson Fletcher, Paul Wood, Brian Ellison.

Eric Robinson on stage at Earls Heaton Youth Club.

7 mins past 5 At the coast possible Morecambe
L>R Clockwise Steve Isherwood, Allen Pyrah, Eric Robinson, Nelson Fletcher, Brian Ellison, Andy Baldock, Paul Wood.

Inez & Charlie Foxx Tour- Skegness Festival (supplied by admirer).
L>R Allen Pyrah, Brian Duffissey.

Inez & Charlie Foxx Tour - Last Night of Tour
L>R Brian Duffissey, Neson Fletcher (half Nelson), Allen Pyrah, Inez Foxx Steve Isherwood, Terry Suffield (again half of).

Inez & Charlie Foxx Tour - Last Night of Tour
L>R Brian Duffissey, Charlie Foxx, Allen Pyrah, Inez Foxx, Terry Suffield.

Publicity shot on the Kirkstall Abbey Ruins whilst interviewed by Mark Knopfler for the Yorkshire Post, and final line up of Nelson Fletcher & The Hogline L>R Top Terry Suffield, Allen Pyrah, Steve Isherwood, Nelson Fletcher, John White, Keith Barker, Brian Duffissy.

Head Shots Clockwise from bottom (6 o’clock) Nelson Fletcher, Keith Barker, Brian Duffissey, Steve Isherwood, Terry Suffield, John White, Allen Pyrah.
The Hogline with Nelson Fletcher
Nelson Fletcher - Vocals
John H White - (deceased) Drums and Percussion
Allen Pyrah - Lead Guitar and Vocals
Brian Duffissey - Bass and Vovals
Keith Barker - Baritone and Tenor Saxes
Terry Suffield - Trumpet
Steve Isherwood - Trumpet
The band worked out of Leeds through Zenith Agency and Management. The band were professional, working throughout Gt Britain and Europe with their own PA rig in a 12 seater mini bus.
In January 1969 whilst touring, they acted as a backing band for Billy Stewart of “Summertime” and “Sitting in the Park” fame. In May 1969 they were again touring the UK and Europe with Charlie and Inez Foxx whose hit’s included “Mockingbird” and “Tightrope”.
During the tours, appearances were made on Radio 1 Club in Birmingham, Radio 1 “Live” in Skegness, and a number of clubs in London, namely the Bag O’ Nails, Scotch of St James, La Valbonne, Pink Flamingo, to name but four of the London club scene.
They also met up with (Chester Burnett aka Howlin’ Wolf), and Blues Guitarist Freddy King. Whilst in Sunderland, Freddy King agreed to play guitar for Ray Davis of the Kinks who had decided to sing “The Israelites” by Desmond Dekker providing the Hogline joined in, it was one of those nights!
Most of the band members are still working although spread throughout the world.

2nd publicity shot on the Ruins of Kirkstall Abbey L>R Top Terry Suffield, Allen Pyrah, Steve Isherwood, Nelson Fletcher, Keith Barker, John White, Brian Duffissey.
Interview by Mark Knopfler Reporter with the Yorkshire Post, after the completion of the Inez & Charlie Foxx tour. 1969 June 17th
The Hogline get around
Back home and stretching their legs after a successful tour of this country backing ace American Soul stars Charlie and Inez Foxx are Leeds group the Hogline. They are happy with their performances on the tour which has brought them much closer to London and already there are reports of a growing following for the group in the capital. Their stint with Charlie and Inez Foxx has also raised their sights. "They are marvelous - complete professionals" said drummer John Howarth White "aand they want us to tour with them again next year" Anxious
But the Hogline are anxious not to be put in a "backing group" bag. Said lead guitarist Allen Pyrah, "We are not going to jump at the chance of playing behind any old artist who arrives from America. There are a lot of fakes". Bass guitarist Brian Duffissey added "Being professional means a lot to us. Often people turn pro in this business because they don't want to work, let's be realistic" On tour it was the task of the Hogline's vocalist Nelson Fletcher, to warm up the crowds before Charlie and Inez Foxx came on stage. The group's diary also took in Radio One Club - and GJ David Symonds said later that it was the best Radio One Club he'd ever done. That's praise for Hogline. Things are happening for the group. Already EMI, Polydor and CBS are interested in them. London is interested, so look out Leeds, Hogline could be disappearing from the North for good.

Ye Ye Club Rimini L>R Allen Pyrah, Brian Duffissey, Nelson Fletcher,
Keith Barker. Andy Baldock, Paul Wood